Dr. Chan: Establishment Of ILP Miri Timely


The establishment of Institute Latihan Perindustrian (ILP) in Miri is growing timely in view of the growing local industries and acute demand for skilled and semi- skilled workers Deputy Chief Minister, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr George Chan, who’s also the Minister of Industrial Development, started this in his speech read by Assistant Minister of Infrastructure and Land Development, Lee Kim Shin, during the earth breaking ceremony of ILP Miri at Bandar Baru Permyjaya here yesterday.

“I am glad that today, we are witnessing the commencement of a project which, when completed, will be producing a skilled work force that is very much needed by the growing industries here. ”

Dr. Chan pointed out that since 1910, various industries such as timber and plantation, had entered Miri, the traditional town of oil and gas industry, and triggered the population growth and demand for manufactured goods.

With the completion of ILP, Miri, the demand for skilled and semi- skilled human resource would be fulfilled, he said. “At the same time, youths from the northen region of the State will be given an opportunity to excel in the trade of their choice,” her added.

Dr. Chan, who is also the Minister of Modernization of Agriculture, pointed out Miri was fast becoming an educational hub with the establishment of Curtin University of Technology, Institute Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN). Teachers’ Training College and Vocational School in the Division.

Meanwhile, Director of the State Human Resource Department, Dato’ Haji Mohd. Nawi bin Haji Ahmad, disclosed that another ILP was needed to accommodate the growing number of applicants for the skilled training courses in the State.

“There were 839 applicants in Sarawak during the last ILP intake in July, and out of the number, only 298 applicants were located in ILP Kota Samarahan,” he said, adding that statistics had shown it was easier for skilled and semi- skilled graduates to find job than academic graduates.

“Eighty five percents of these graduates manage to find employment within 6 months compared to academic graduates,” he pointed out.